Thursday, April 28, 2016

A promise must never be broken
“-alexander hamilton
I agree with this quote a promise should never be broken .for example if you say i'm going to be at your house at 4:30 to  go do our big project  and you don't go until 6:30 or don't show do you think the person is going to trust you . you have to keep your word because if not you word will mean nothing . it's hard sometimes to keep a promise  but that why you don't promise  something you can keep . you need to take your promises and keep them . another example is when your best friend says  you will never be alone . im always and always be here for you no matter what  . and at the end he or she ends up leaving you or stops talking to you . never make promise that you don't mean because the promise can mean the world to someone .so keep your promises don't ever break them.


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