Good Quality People
"Associate yourself with men of good quality if you esteem your own reputation; for ' tis better to be alone than in bad company."
Georage Washington
What George is trying to say is that if you want a guy im life you have to see what he is and how he is. Don't just get a guy that is cute or just big and puff. No you need a guys that are nice and will take care of you no matter what you do and he does. But just know that you need a guy with respect and quality. You dont want a guy that is always going out with his friends and that is not going to support you on anything. You need to know if that guy really means it. That will tell you nice stuff when you are sad. That makes food and cleans because your not going
to be the only doing that you need to be doing some parts but no all
parts. It's not good to have a guy that will just want you for bad stuff
and for food and a place to live in. You need a guy that will help you
in the ups and downs. You need some one that will be loyal to you not
just to be there for nothing. A guy that you will safe with. You need a
guy that will be honest if you dont trust him he is not for you. Leave
him if he is not worth it. A guy that will always wants what good for
him and you. Not a guy that will just use you in some ways. Find a man
that will do the positive things and not the negative things.
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